Knapp Family Seasoning

For as far back as memory serves, our family has been making its own breakfast sausage. Once a year our family comes together to process pork and stockpile our favorite sausage. It is indeed a sad day when the last package is pulled from the freezer and there are months ahead of you that will lack the perfect breakfast meat.

Our family traditionally has made rope sausage to accompany the most important meal of the day. As soon as the sausage hits the frying pan the house begins to smell of breakfast. The sausage is the perfect accompaniment to oven pancakes, cheesy eggs and hash browns, or a piping hot breakfast casserole. There’s really no reason to limit breakfast food to only the wee morning hours. We enjoy breakfast for any meal of the day!

Each year the family sets aside a select few packages to be gifted at Christmas to close friends. The number of times we have been asked if it were possible to purchase the Knapp Breakfast Sausage has brought us to today. We are excited to announce it will be possible to purchase our family’s favorite breakfast sausage!

There’s no need for alarm. The locker will be processing all of your freshly frozen pork. We’ll just be providing the seasoning. You may request Knapp Breakfast Sausage with your next order in the traditional rope links or in the more common mini links.

We do hope our family’s recipe will become a breakfast standard at your kitchen table.

2 thoughts on “Knapp Family Seasoning

  1. Your seasoning is fantastic!!! We had some of the link sausage and it was so flavorful, that I almost didn’t eat everything else…but I did 🙂

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